Warrior Moms: Surviving Child Loss

Happy birthday, angels -- How to Plan for Their Birthday!: Ep20

Michele Davis & Amy Durham Season 1 Episode 20

Whether it's race car or unicorn themed, our children's birthdays are such joy for parents! Celebrating the life, love, and happiness of another year---(sigh)---(deep breath)---having your child's life gone too soon brings pain, words which hardly show the sadness. Yet, the Warrior Moms find ways to toast and hike, to travel and remember in intentional and joyful ways...all while giving grace to themselves for this difficult day.

Tune in to hear about some wonderful ideas for celebrating your child's special day all while finding ways to give grace and as Amy says, "feel all the feels"!

With love,
Amy Durham & Michele Davis
Warrior Moms

We'd love to hear from our followers!
Facebook: Warrior Moms-The Club No One Wants to Be In
Instagram: WarriorMoms.SurvivingChildLoss

Thank you so much for listening! We'd love to hear from you---what you would love to hear, what you like, what helped, etc. With love, Warrior Moms Michele & Amy

"Dream Bird" by Jonny Easton

Thank you for listening to Warrior Moms podcast. It is an honor to share about our beloved children gone too soon, and we hope by telling of our loss, it may help someone in their grief journey. Please note that we are not medical professionals and encourage those listening to seek help from mental health professionals.

We'd love to hear from our followers!
Website: https://www.warriormoms.me/
Facebook: Warrior Moms-The Club No One Wants to Be In
Instagram: WarriorMoms.SurvivingChildLoss

With love,
Warrior Moms Amy & Michele