Warrior Moms: Surviving Child Loss

Amy Durham -- Alec Davis' Story: Ep14

Michele Davis & Amy Durham Season 1 Episode 15

Amy Durham shares about her 24-year old son Alec who went missing for 10 days and after a large police grid-search, he was found. She talks about his struggles with addiction and how this led to his final breath, yet it is certainly not what you expect. Amy discusses her advocacy for recovery and continuing to celebrate Alec's life beyond the life of an addict. 

Amy and Jeff created a community event called Alec's Pizza Party. It is an event filled with music, games, food, and fun--all honoring Alec's life and educating others about addiction. Their slogan is based off of Alec's first tattoo, which reads:  ME---First, I must find happiness within ME before I can find it outside of ME.  More information can be found here: amydurham.me

To find us online, find us on Facebook and Instagram!
Here's our page:
Facebook: Warrior Moms-The Club No One Wants to Be in
Instagram: Warrior Moms.SurvivingChildLoss

We love that you're listening and are thankful for each of you. We'd love to hear from you, what have helped you, and what you'd like us to talk about!

With love in 2024,
Michele & Amy
Warrior Moms

Thank you so much for listening! We'd love to hear from you---what you would love to hear, what you like, what helped, etc. With love, Warrior Moms Michele & Amy

"Dream Bird" by Jonny Easton

Thank you for listening to Warrior Moms podcast. It is an honor to share about our beloved children gone too soon, and we hope by telling of our loss, it may help someone in their grief journey. Please note that we are not medical professionals and encourage those listening to seek help from mental health professionals.

We'd love to hear from our followers!
Website: https://www.warriormoms.me/
Facebook: Warrior Moms-The Club No One Wants to Be In
Instagram: WarriorMoms.SurvivingChildLoss

With love,
Warrior Moms Amy & Michele