Warrior Moms: Surviving Child Loss
A club no one wants to be in because the initiation is too big of a sacrifice: the loss of a child. Unthinkable. Unimaginable. Warrior Moms is local group in north Atlanta filled with strong, courageous, funny, and fiercely loving women who are surviving and thriving amidst horrific grief.
This podcast features Amy Durham and Michele Davis, two of the Warrior Moms, who will guide listeners through their grief journey. Every fourth or fifth episode will showcase another Warrior Mom, the trauma they endured, stories about their beloved child, and tips on how they get out of bed every day.
Each and every Warrior Moms' story is different, the children and the loss is different, but one thing they share is the decision to live. They have figured out how to live life putting one foot in the past and the other moving forward. Yes, it's beyond awful. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it's worth it. And yes, they say, you can survive child loss AND thrive.
Warrior Moms: Surviving Child Loss
Surviving Grief in the New Year: Ep13
Happy New Year, y'all! Amy and I are excited to start 2024, but also we have sadness, thinking about adding one more between when we last had moments with our child. Yet, we put one foot in front of the other and still find things to celebrate and plans to make.
Join us to hear how to grieve and find joy in a new year.
To find us online, find us on Facebook and Instagram!
Here's our page:
Facebook: Warrior Moms-The Club No One Wants to Be in
Instagram: Warrior Moms.SurvivingChildLoss
We love that you're listening and are thankful for each of you. We'd love to hear from you, what have helped you, and what you'd like us to talk about!
With love in 2024,
Michele & Amy
Warrior Moms
"Dream Bird" by Jonny Easton
Thank you for listening to Warrior Moms podcast. It is an honor to share about our beloved children gone too soon, and we hope by telling of our loss, it may help someone in their grief journey. Please note that we are not medical professionals and encourage those listening to seek help from mental health professionals.
We'd love to hear from our followers!
Website: https://www.warriormoms.me/
Facebook: Warrior Moms-The Club No One Wants to Be In
Instagram: WarriorMoms.SurvivingChildLoss
With love,
Warrior Moms Amy & Michele